Apr 30, 2014
Using git versioning to keep track of your UNIX settings in `/etc/`
Simple idea: Using git's versioning and remote capabilities to keep track of your settings in /etc/
. Why?
- you can view diffs on settings
- revert settings / states
- cherry pick different configuration states
- using branches to test configurations und environments
- using remote repositories to sync and merge settings
- manage (remote) backups
The following steps require root privileges.
First we need to init a git repository:
$ cd /ect/
$ git init .
Optional: add a .gitgnore
to exclude specific and temporarily files and folders:
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
We add all files and create a first commit:
$ git add --all .
$ git commit -am "initial commit"
Chronological commits
An easy way to ensure that we add regular commits is to create a cronjob with:
$ crontab -e
0 6 * * * cd /etc/ && git add --all . && git commit -am "automatic commit on $(date)"
Remote backups
Remote backups can easily be done by git push --all origin master
Further tools
If you prefer additional software tools helping you, try out etckeeper (thank to Pedro for the hint).